So sorry I have not been regular about blogging, seriously I have not had the time!! While my aunts have been away on their RV trip across America I have been redecorating their house! It is a huge project but I am having a total and complete blast!! However it is keeping me REALLY busy. So far I have the main living areas done and have started on the bedrooms. I will share photos with you when they get back. As for now it is a big secret! :)
Overall I am doing REALLY well. I have met some amazing people here and (whispers) don't tell anyone but I really really like Oregon. I am surrounding myself with people that make me laugh constantly and I am enjoying just being myself. It is so important to find people that encourage you and are honest with you. I have one that makes me feel amazing about myself and so even when I am having a not so great day he reminds me to smile and live life to the fullest. I love that. Either that or he says something completely demented and I cant help but forget my own thoughts. If you don't have at least one of these people you must go find one, now.
However I of course still have my Banana! She will be returning from Florida tomorrow--escaping hurricane Matthew I hope. She is doing good and she likes it here in Oregon too. Who knows what the spring will hold for us. Maybe we will build our cabin here. :) However Montana is still in the scope.
In November I will go back to Tennessee and get my car. I sure do miss my Roxy! I am also excited to see my peeps.
So my book came back from the professor with reviews and ideas for ending it. I have a lot of work to do to get it rewritten and ready to be presented to be published. I am having a hard time though because I am not quite so passionate about the story as I was while writing it the first time. I was living it then with my head in the clouds, now that my head is back in reality it is hard to feel the same awesomeness. Though the review I got back was stunning...."Girl, you are the next NYC best selling author, get this done and get it published, everyone needs to hear you!" You'd think that would be passion enough right? I imagine I will have time this winter to plunk away at it.
So there hasn't really been an update because everything is going great. I don't have any real earth shattering news to share. I am just doing my thing. I havent gotten inky since I have been here. Haven't even unpacked any of that stuff. Again, I imagine the winter will lend more time for that.
Anyways--I gotta get off of here, I have appointments and things to get done. Thank you everyone for your posts, calls, emails, texts etc. I am doing really really good. I can honestly say that from the bottom of my heart.

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