This year has certainly been an adventure!!
I have experienced things I never thought I would, mostly good, some, not so much. I had to relearn to live with out the family that I had basically lived more than half my life with. I gave up my best friends. Funny thing, divorce has many fatalities, not just the marriage. Slowly though I believe I am returning to the person I once was. I am finding my happiness and learning to laugh again. It is hilarious to talk with people throughout our community to hear the kinds of things that have been said about me. At first it truly hurt my feelings. These people that I had worked so very hard to build a rapport with, were now caught in the crossfires of 'he said she said'. I am grateful to know that most of them know me and know what I stand for and my reputation is still intact.
We went from living in an almost 7,000 sq foot home down to 350 sq feet. An experience I am ever ever so grateful for. In an early court mediation I lost all of the contents of our home except for my personal items. I was scared to death to lose custody of Hannah and was advised to let those things go instead. Though I definitely don't agree with it, this little fiasco taught me just how 'little' we need to make us happy. It taught me that people are what are important, NOT stuff. I am sooo grateful for our little home and most of all for the amazing relationship I still have with both of my girls. In the end it is all that matters. All that stuff had memories of some sort attached so I am happy for new beginnings. A whole new life with the people I love and the people who want to see me succeed. I have zero regrets in my marriage. It was a great part of my life. However, I sure am excited to be on my way to the future!!
I am learning how to do things by myself that I never would have taken the chance with before. Three days ago, I loaded Heather's car onto a dolly, secured it and got it ready to roll...BY MYSELF! Three days ago, with the help of Hannah we were able to secure the bike to the back of the RV. It is on there so tight, Hannah asked if we were going to have to cut the straps to get it down. We did that BY OURSELVES. Three days ago, though with help from a friend and his route expertise, I made the decision of where we were going and how to get there. Three days ago, we broke down and got the RV ready for a long haul trip. Three days ago my darling Hannah, 3 cats and I left Tennessee. You see, for some this is not such a huge thing. You must however realize I have never even driven a moving truck, much less a 38' motor home towing a fullsize car. I can now maneuver it through parking lots and through city traffic, in rain and wind. I have totally got this and I don't NEED a man to help me. This is soooooo empowering!
Our trip has been excellent so far! We are somewhere in Missouri this morning in a darling little RV park. The people are soooo sweet and have been ever so helpful. I felt my head swell up big when after I parked the rig last night and stepped out. The old man told me I did excellent and seemed to know what I was doing. Ha! He has no idea how far from the truth THAT is! I am pretty confident in the set up and break down of all the connections. The leveling and the jacks and all that stuff. It is just our way of life and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I guess with more miles and a few thousand more stops I will feel like I know what the heck I am doing as far as driving it.
The cats have done fairly well. Felix quickly retreats to under the couch as soon as she hears the engine start. Majik paces but doesn't seem to be too stressed out. Edgar...he tends to not know what the heck to do with himself. He is a good co-pilot tho. He spends a lot of time in my lap or Hannah's. I think they are all doing really well and are just as excited when we stop moving and push the slides out at night as we are. They love waking up to new sites out the windows each day.
Hannah is doing good too. I am sooooo grateful to have her by my side. She totally helps me out and together we move mountains!
It is sooooo cool to drive all day and be able to still sleep in your own bed at night. It is amazing to wake up to my own coffee pot with the creamer just the way I like it right there waiting for me. It is amazing to stop for lunch and be able to cook a grilled cheese and sit down at the dining table without having to eat another fast food burger. This truly is an experience EVERYONE must do at least once in your life.
So this morning I am trying to get a bit of work done. Oddly the internet is really good here (totally unheard of for RV parks). So I am working and Hannah has a bit of school to accomplish. I am sure that we put professional RVers to shame as we are NOT early rollers and we don't do things the way that most do. It is kinda cool tho--we are our own bosses. We blast the music when we want, we stop when we want and we go when we want. We kinda need to get to Jackson in this life time, but with no agenda it is really fun to just "be".
So I leave you with this. I challenge you today to do something you don't think you can do. Something that you have been told is impossible. Do something that is scary, do something that is beyond you. Do it, nail it and be proud of it. Yes of course you might fail. If that's the case, try a different way. Everything I have done in this RV has been accomplished by just doing it. If it doesnt work then ya try something else. Listen to the wisdom of those that know, but get your hands dirty. Yes, folks, last winter I thawed out frozen pipes with a heating pad. THERE IS A WAY TO DO EVERYTHING. Go and make your life happen! Leave the naysayers behind because you CAN do it, you ARE capable and you ARE worthy!! LIVE YOUR LIFE, I promise you CAN do it!

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