First and foremost I am DIVORCED! I got so used to living in limbo that I truly did not think that it was ever going to happen. WOW! However with this great news came an emotional whiplash I was not quite prepared for. A few days of being shellshocked and the realization that I am actually never going to be with my husband ever again was a lot to take in. (NOT that I want to, mind you.) Thankfully it did not last long and my apprehension was quickly replaced with my excitement for my future.
No, we have not yet left Tennessee as I have a few prior engagements that I need to take care of. I am still trying to get around and see all of my friends and of course soak in as much of the South as I can. I will miss it here. Plus oh my gosh sooooo much to do to get the RV ready for travels! YIKES! Hopefully we will be pulling out of her before too long though.
The house did sell! WOOHOOO! I think it closes on the 14th so that will be good. I miss my home. I am grateful for the freedom I have now--the freedom to head west and go back to my people, but it is a beautiful home. However the thought of even stepping foot into it again makes me nauseated to say the least so I guess it is definitely one of those God things. He knows what's best.
Other news. Heather is doing well in Oregon. I miss her like crazy and cannot wait to visit her in the next month or so. I love her to pieces!!!

Hannah is officially a Sophmore!! She also just got her testing results back and she is testing way above her grade level. I am so uber proud of her! She is hoping to graduate early so she is working through the summers and hoping that the visits to her dad's won't slow her down.
I dont have anything inky to share right now. I know that many of you were waiting for the update on us.
Both Hannah and I are good. Seriously just very busy trying to get out of here, continue with school and work and have a little fun squished in between.

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