Dec 4, 2008

On the fourth day of Christmas...

Have I told ya all how much I love the holidays? I love the smells, the decorations, the central feel of them. Everyone is a little more warm and cozy than usual and it gives me an overwhelming connection with my family. I love that there is something fun to do everywhere you look. With all that being said I am absolutely disgruntled about the commercialization of everything. How can you anticipate the magic and the lovelyness of the decorations when you start seeing them in stores in July? How can kids truly find the magic in Santa when they get stuff all the year through? I often wonder what it would have been like to be alive back in the day of my grandparents. Money was tight but love was huge. There were no distractions like cellphones and the was simply just them. How bad could that be? Many of us have soooo much excess (notice I said US) that we hardly stop to say thank you. I love this season mainly for one reason tho. Even those that dont believe in Jesus are reminded in every corner and on every street, that Christ WAS born and Christ IS alive. They can run, they can turn their cheeks, but they cant deny it. Jesus IS the reason for the season.



Blomquist Blog said...

Well said Becky! I too agree with you that Christmas has become too commercialized. What has happened to the true meaning of this glorious day? I can't help but feel the magic of the season, and we never forget the reason for the season! Thanks for your post!


Debbie Blomquist

Lorien Clark said...

I must say thank you for leaving comments on my blog. It really brightens my day. I have nominted you for an award. Check out my blog for the details.

email: said...

Amen Sister! Jesus is the reason for the season! May we all stop a moment to remember...

Anonymous said...

This is soooo cute! I also agree about the commercialization and excess . . . guilty here on the "excess" . . .

Hoping you're well and keep posting great cards!
