Nov 9, 2007

WOW! Is it Friday already!?

I didnt realize that it had been since Tuesday that I had posted. I literally feel like I have drowned in a paint can! The room is taking so much longer than I anticipated. But I have to admit it is looking beautiful! The walls are patched and painted. The floors are redone. The work bench has been its a matter of finishing up the furniture and moving in.

We are on our way to a wedding this weekend. Ronnie's little brother is marrying Laura so we are going to Nashville to celebrate that. We will return to start work again on the room. I promise photos will come soon!

I have to share one quick funny though. In the midst of painting our floor a nice RED color yesterday Twinkle, the kitten went skating through the center of the floor. She was red from the tip of her tail to the tip of her ears. Hilarious! I dont know which was funnier, watching her try to figure out how she got there, what she was standing on and which way to go from there, or her getting a bath AFTER all of that. I was laughing so hard I could barely help her.

All is well here. Other than the renovations.

I hope to be back on track soon. Thank you to everyone who checked in on me and wondered if I had fallen off the blog world. Big blog hugs!

Stay tuned!

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