Mar 11, 2016

Mojo and calls for Illustrators.

Can you believe it is Friday already?  Can you believe that it is the 11th of March already?  Can you believe it is Daylight Savings Time already?  Just when I think that time could not tick by any slower, I am reminded exactly how fast it is going.  YIKES!!  

So, I did go by Walmart and pick us up some new fishing rods.  I am not sure when we are gonna get to go fishing as it has been raining most of this week, but at least now we are prepared and can just hop in the car, head down to the gas station 'n get us some minnows and head to the water.  Hannah's first words of course "who is gonna bait the hook"?  Then the more realistic one, "What happens when we catch a catfish?"  She knows her mama well.  However she may have forgotten that I can do anything I set my mind to, even if it means I scream like a girl the entire time. As for baiting the hook, let's just hope that they will bite minnows or artificial cause I am not so sure I am ready to do the whole worm thing yet.

Things are still about the same here however I think the house is finally going on the market!  I hope and pray for that perfect buyer to come along and just love it as much as I did when we bought it.  I hope this also speeds up the rest of this divorce process.  I am soooo ready to move on to other things!

I am feeling better after my recovery of having it out with cake.  :)  No you can't keep this girl down!
I have been writing some. Yes, the novel is still coming along well and there is just certain things a person can't make up so I have a gojillion notes that I take and keep adding.  I am pretty sure that whenever I get to the editing phase that poor person is gonna surely ask me how I passed Freshman English because my grammar is horrid at best, my punctuation is impossible and my ideas....well they tend to be all over the place.  :)

I am also writing a children's book.  This one I am super excited about but I am desperately searching for an illustrator.  Do you know one?  Can you draw cartoonlike animals?  Please please shout out to me if you do!  I have some uber awesome ideas and I am dying to get them into the print form.

All in all, life is really good.  Hannah Banana and I are doing great.  My PokieDot seems to be great on the other side of the world as well.  I miss her like crazy and hope that we can meet up again soon.

So here is this week's Mojo.  I have been super busy.  I have not had time to blog much less play with ink.  I was able to get this little card whipped up tonight in between clients.  I hope you head over to Mojo Mondays and play along too!  They are giving away free stamps to participants this week.  GO!  Go play right now!


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